Exhibition :
Vogüé, Ardèche, the First of April
After several years of organization, the associations Vivante Ardèche and Enfants et amis d’Alba have succeeded with the Château de Vogué museum (Ardèche) in the realization of the exhibition :
« Artists of Alba-la-Romaine, 1950-1955, a singular story ».
This is a retrospective of nearly 20 artists who had spontaneously formed the Alba Group and of which nearly a hundred works can be visited ; paintings, prints, etchings, lithographs, sculptures…
Including those of Kees van Willigen, modern figurative painter :
At the opening the rooms were full of visitors.
The exhibition will take place from April 1 to July 2, 2023.

Deventer, the Netherlands.
During the month of August 2023 a short retrospective exhibition of the work of Kees van Willigen will be organized in Deventer (The Netherlands) in the famous medieval place of the « Drie Haringen ». The exhibition will include around twenty masterpieces by Kees van Willigen.
The exhibition will last from August 10 to 27.